Friday 26 April 2013


Hold me up to the light
see the cracks that time has healed.
I know what I have had to fight.
I'm so much stronger than
I ever was before.

You see the. consequence
of many years of growing.
All my confidence
is something I have worked for.
You see the moment
after many scores of tears.
I wasn't always bright as I am now

Don't compare yourself to me
we have all been on a journey
different places different times
but its our destiny
that makes us come alive.
What makes you come alive?

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Like I did when I was four

So visiting guest ministry from
Indonesia this Sunday had us all singing Agnus Dei, which is my second favourite worship song of all time. Why? It's the first song I can remember worshipping to. I remember being around four years old walking around the house singing it. It wasn't a song we sang at Church so my folks were surprised I'd picked up a repertoire of Michael W songs from hearing Dad play them.

Anyway this got me thinking about the simplicity of childlike faith and worship which lead to the following:

You knew me before I could speak.
You sought me with your love.
You heard my cries and gave me life revealed yourself to me.

I want to worship like I worshipped when I was four.
When my heart knew nothing but to adore you God
I want to know you like I did before
before I had ever doubted

Father friend and healer
answer to my prayers.
Like a child I come before you.
Wanting to be loved